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31 Jul 2013

Basic Tips for Keeping Your Horse Happy and Healthy

It’s true that even a well looked after horse can develop a health problem, but by caring for your horse to the best of your ability, you know you’re doing everything to help prevent them becoming ill.


If you keep your horse in stables, daily stable maintenance is essential to your horse’s health. The stables should be well ventilated and have a good drainage system, but you’ll still need to muck out daily. If you don’t, then your horse could be exposed to harmful chemicals like ammonia, which build up when soiled bedding is not cleared out and can cause respiratory problems.

Daily Health Checks

Look for cuts or scratches and feel for any swelling. If your hand passes over an area that hurts, your horse will let you know by flinching or shaking. If your horse is feeling unwell, his tail will hang low, his coat will feel rough and his ears may be cold. The whites of his eyes may also stand out and he might be sweating a little. If you notice anything wrong with your horse, don’t hesitate to call a vet; it’s better to be safe than sorry. For more details on maintaining and monitoring your horse’s health on a daily basis, read this article by the Blue Cross.

Feeding and Watering

Horses get many of their nutrients from different types of grass and weeds, but it’s necessary to supplement your horse’s diet to keep them at optimum health levels. Mineral licks can be placed in your horse’s stable or field to ensure they’re getting the minerals that the grass in their grazing area might lack. Keep an eye on their mineral lick though, as horses can sometimes become a little addicted to them! You can also feed your horse concentrates, succulents, straights and compound feeds depending on their needs.

As for watering, horses drink anything from 25 to 55 litres a day depending on their lifestyle, so it’s incredibly important that your horse has access to fresh, clean water at all times, whether they’re in stables or kept at grass. If your horse is in stables then you should provide a plastic water bucket, whilst if your horse is kept in a field it should have access to a trough.

If you’re a new horse owner, or even an experienced one looking to stock up on a few supplies, check out