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20 Aug 2017

The Ultimate Guide to Winning 2017 Melbourne Cup Bets

The most popular horseback racing tournament is going to be unleashed a few months from now. And with this, thousands of enthusiasts would surely be betting their money on the best picks for the upcoming 2017 Melbourne Cup. Luckily, you’ve found this article because here, we’re going to help you win some good money when Aussie’s hottest horse racing event kick starts this Nov. 7.

2016 Melbourne Cup Winners, Can They Win Again?


Almandin, the champion, and first-place of last year’s Melbourne Cup will once again showcase its prowess in this year’s event. In knowing that it took 1st place last year, and in seeing how his trainer, Robert Hickmott perseveres in making the most out of the horse, everything looks pretty good for the stallion. And take note that the 7-year-old’s last three races were all 1st place finishes.

Heartbreak City

The winner and second-placer of the 2016 Melbourne Cup is the now 7-years-old Heartbreak City. Having sired by Lando and Moscow Nights, and trained by the fine Tony Martin, this horse surely got a lot in store regarding its experience and skills. All of these lead to the horse getting $1,406,210 prize money. For sure, it can pretty much repeat history in this year's Cup.


Hartnell is currently in 6th place in betting odds, but this British horse finished 3rd place in last year's Cup. Having a 31% winning rate for first place, it's safe to give this Brit another shot at winning.


The 8-year-old Irish Qewy had a fair shot in last year’s Cup as it finishes in 4th place. Qewy is currently in the 23rd spot in betting odds, but things are faring a bit well for this one in the upcoming Melbourne Cup. Charlie Appleby is getting a few notches higher when it comes to training his racer, and it might just well be the determining factor for this year’s race.

Characteristics of a Winning Horse Bet

If you have just made up your mind and decided to bet for the much-anticipated Cup to be held in the country-down-under, then the first thing you need to consider is the horse’s age. Youth is the number one criteria in choosing a horse.

Take note that those aged 4, 5, and 6, are the usual winners of the Melbourne Cup. In fact, this happens in almost all major races. Why? It’s because this is the time when the horses are at their peak. It’s equivalent to athletes who are on their early and mid-twenties.
So if you’re going to pick a bet, choose those that are around those numbers. The last time a horse beyond that age brackets that won a major racing event was way back in 1938. It was the then 8-year-old Catalogue.

You also need to choose a male. A stallion has a better physical structure than that of a mare, thereby giving you better chances of finishing strong. Then there’s the weight criteria which has a very big effect on your winning chances.

Opt for male horses that are below 57 kilograms. The last time a horse beyond that weight category and won was in 1975. It was Think Big, weighing 58 kilograms.

Top 3 Horse Bets for 2017 Melbourne Cup, Betting Odds Unveiled

No #1 Admire Deus

Admire Deus is the favorite horse to win this year’s Melbourne Cup, having a 13.0 betting odds. Being 6-years-old and being recently bought by premiere Australian trainer from its original Japanese team, it’s pretty likely that this one’s going to finish strong. After all, the stallion is in its prime and is looking great than ever.

No #2 Red Cardinal

The Irish take second spot for its betting odds with 15.0, second to the Japanese Admire Deus. This 6-year-old horse has a strong 55% rate to finish first and 33% to finish second. With this alone, it's pretty clear that he's in for some good times.

No #3 Francis of Assisi

Then there’s another Irish horse contending for the top ranks. Francis of Assisi might be already 8-years-old, but his trainer, Charlie Appleby, is doing his best to defy age itself. A strong 44% 1st place finish looms, giving this somewhat aged horse an edge to finish strong. The Melbourne Cup racing free bets give this racer 17.0 betting odds, so you might also want to choose this one.