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4 Jan 2025

Horse Trainer Website Vanished

It shouldn't come as much of a surprise. 

As I continue to update the Flat horse trainer blogs I've notice a few anomalies. To be fair, horse trainer blog and news pages are notorious for disappearing, updated five years back or domains curled up and died. 

Anyway, I have been updating the list from A - Z. 

I don't think there are any trainers with a surname beginning with Z. 

Wait a minute, what about that new trainer Eric Zoopla!

However, he doesn't exist. I can't find his website anywhere. Perhaps I was mistaken. So back to the horse trainers and their websites. Now, I don't want to be one of these website shamers because there may be many and varied reasons why a trainer does or doesn't have a website (or a blog or news page). I understand it. Perhaps a website isn't at the top of your list. The rich list have the money, the glamour, the horses to put on a show. While others don't have much to sing and dance about. It's a strange thing why some very high-profile trainers don't bother with a website. 

It is also quite surprising that others have given up the ghost on their domain. Whether it just slipped off the radar or was given up as a bad job. 

And then you get a few trainers (and I won't point them out) their website looks like it was build at the dawn of the dotcom bubble and sadly it burst. I'm not sure which platform some of these are on but they look as old as the hills. Scarily old. Perhaps they don't have the money to update or can't be bothered. However, when you consider it may be the first and last thing a prospective horse owner may see I can't imagine the conversion rate is very high. 

In fact, it probably does their business more damage than not.

I'd love to give a few examples of websites which fall flat but its not about picking on people. 

I'm continuing to update the Flat horse trainer blogs. I must apologise for snail-like progress. 

Slowly, but surely, it will get there. 

If I have one message for horse trainers big and small, make sure your website looks like it was made this century.