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18 Dec 2016

Visit George Baker's Website At HTD

Welcome To Horse Trainer Directory

When I first drove up the drive here at Manton four years ago with Guy Sangster it was just a magical experience. It’s genuinely a privilege to add our name to the list of very famous trainers who have worked here. Hopefully, we can add to the big winners that have been trained here at Manton. 

Race horses have been trained on these fabulous downland gallops for well over 150 years and the facilities are beyond compare. As well as the miles of turf, we have access to a 10-furlong woodchip gallop and a seven-furlong poly track surface. The Manton Estate stretches over 2,500 acres of beautiful countryside and quite correctly was recently described to me as “horse heaven”. Racehorses thrive within the relaxed and happy atmosphere of the Barton Yard. I have always believed that happy staff will transmit their mood through to the horses, and it is a credit to the team here that so many people comment on the calm and contented feel of the place.

I was once told that if you surround yourself with the right people, you will give yourself a reasonable chance of succeeding. And I have lived by that mantra. The complete professionalism and will to win that permeate through our team is infectious, and if enthusiasm won Group1’s, I would have been a champion trainer by now! 

We adopt an “open house” policy here at Manton. We welcome visitors at all times and encourage owners to watch their horses work on the gallops. Give us a call. And come and join in the fun!!! You are assured of a very warm welcome. 

Source: George Baker Website

Contact details: George Baker Racing, Barton Yard, Manton Estate, Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 4HB

Tel: 01672 515493
Mobile: 07889 514881

Email: stables@georgebaker

Visit George Baker's Website Here 





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