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20 Feb 2019

How To Choose A Horse

Many people who are passionate or curious about horse racing actually consider buying a horse themselves. They would love to ride a horse as a workout, or to have a horse for their children to ride on a regular basis. Although having a horse is somewhat unusual, and it also demands investment, there is nothing particularly difficult in that. So, if one can afford a horse, one should know how to choose a good one.

At the same time, if you are looking for people, who are also interested in horses, you can try dating sites. People there are not only searching for love but also from friendship and other types of relations.

Choose a Horse: Step By Step Guide

First of all, you have to decide whether you want a horse exclusively for yourself, exclusively for your children, or you are going to share the horse with somebody else. This is important because you should pick an animal suitable for the size of humans that are going to ride it. So, it is better to buy a pony if only your children will ride it. For adults, there can be variations. 

When picking an animal for adult, firstly, take the one which is at least five times heavier than you are. The point is, heavy rider will injure the horse eventually. If your weight is around 80 kgs, your horse should weight at least 400 kgs. 

Next step is deciding on the height of the animal - for tall people, tall horses are needed. Your feet should not be located much lower than the animal’s belly when you ride it. It is impossible to define whether the height is appropriate or not without sitting on the horse’s back. 

Choose an animal you can actually afford taking proper care of. Buying a steed is only part of the cost; the other costs will be stables, food, veterinarian, etc. At the same time, avoid steeds that are very cheap or given away for free. They may be weak, ill, or very bad-tempered, and you will eventually waste more money trying to manage the situation later. 

You should also assess reasonably your skills in riding, and the extent to which you are ready to develop these skills in the future. If your ultimate goal is to take long walks around the neighbouring forests and fields, choose the corresponding breed for beginner riders. If you would like to learn and participate in races, then a different list of breeds is for your benefit.

One trick of choosing a good animal is to check out its usual stall. If it is damaged and has traces of strikes on it, the horse is unlikely of a moderate temper. Another secret is to try and handle the animal and brush it, on your own. Check if there are any blemishes and marks on the skin - if yes, perhaps the horse was beaten. 

These are the basic recommendations for choosing a horse. If you are still not sure about your skills, address the nearest riding school and ask for assistance.