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10 Jul 2017

The horse trainer, a key component in successful horse racing betting

Gamblers love to bet, and horse racing is one of their favourite sports, it almost seems that they go hand in hand. But if you are an expert in football or any other discipline that doesn’t mean you’re ready to go to the race track just yet, you need to know and dominate certain concepts and ideas before getting started.

 The very nature of horse racing separates It from other sporting events, and to give you an example we will talk about the importance of the horse trainer’s reputation. We know that a well-known stable that is on a roll is also popular amongst punters, but we’ll leave that aside for now. 

Before betting in a race you need to do the necessary research on the trainers because their sole reputation will never be enough to determine if they can help us score some cash. Once you have all of the trainer’s names and information you can check the performance of each one of his horses in the past and even in the current event. 

This information is a good measurement of future behaviour because the horses share certain variables that derive from the same training method. If you notice that a trainer has different horses on winning streaks, then you can be sure that money is close if you make the right bet. But it’s not that simple because statistics show that even the best trainers in the business have a negative return on investment numbers. 

To be more specific, to determine what trainer can help us win we can use the same variables we would use on a jockey. A trainers results can vary depending on the type of race, some have more success on the Flat while others are proven winners on the jumps. And then there are the different courses, some trainers have enjoyed continued success in certain race tracks, and this is important information that we can use to win money. 

Another variable that we can consider is the trainer/jockey combination, some pairings have had lots wins together, but we need to be comprehensive in our research. We have to examine the courses and types of races where they have obtained their majority of wins, we can never back them blindly. Every duo thrives in a certain environment, we have to take advantage of that. 

To put all this research and work to good use we recommend you go to the best bookkeeper for horse racing: https: